Fill out this form and we'll send you a personalized referral link within 2 business days. This link can be shared on your website, your social media accounts, or via email to your friends, family, or mailing list subscribers.
When someone clicks your link, we mark them as your "referral" while they browse our website and store. Even if that customer returns to corticalmetrics website later to make their purchase, they'll still be considered your referral. When one of your referrals makes a purchase, you’ll receive 10% of the amount they paid. Each month, you’ll continue to receive 10% of the total payments from all of your active subscription referrals.
Once your first referral sale is complete, you’ll receive an email asking for your PayPal username (typically the email address associated with your PayPal account). From that date forward you’ll see a commission deposit into your account every 30 days. Commissions are paid to ambassadors on a monthly basis.